Sleep Disorders in Children

Do you have a child who struggles with:


  • Bedwetting

  • Chronic Allergies

  • Dark Circles Under the Eyes

  • Swollen Tonsils and Adenoids

  • Trouble at School

  • Irritability

  • Frequent Headaches

  • Restless Sleep

  • Snoring

  • Aggressive Behavior

  • Daytime Drowsiness

  • Nightmares or Night Terrors or

  • Arrested Growth or Crowded/Crooked Teeth

Dr. Sarah Kinard is now working with children who struggle to breathe when they sleep by using a system of orthodontic appliances and therapies. These treatments may help the upper and lower jaws to fully develop and reshape the oral cavity. As these areas develop more fully, the child’s airway may widen and expand, allowing the child to breathe better and some of these symptoms may disappear. When children can breathe properly, they can begin to grow, learn and blossom into their full potential.

When a child has an underdeveloped upper and/or lower jaw, the airway could be impacted, and the child may struggle with other health issues during their lifetime. It may not be what you think so call us today at (210) 695-1200 for a free evaluation by Dr. Kinard.